Longtown Community Primary School

Longtown Community Primary School



Longtown Community Primary School is fortunate in having an experienced and enthusiastic governing body, who each bring their own specific skills and experience. Together, they are able to use these abilities collectively in order to provide the school with the support and equally, the challenge it needs to thrive.

The governing body has a structure of full governing body meetings and two committees dealing with the areas of Education and Business.

The Chair of Governors may be contacted via the following address:  Mrs Kym Wilcocks, C/O Longtown Community Primary School, Longtown, Herefordshire, HR2 0LE

The Clerk to the Governors is Anne Lloyd who can be contacted via the school office.

The Governing Body pay allowances or reimbursement of costs incurred by governors in accordance with the procedure laid out in the school's Finance Policy.

Governor’s Annual Round-up 2023/2024

1) The SLA ( service level agreement) with Fairfield High Academy continued as a positive arrangement for both schools.

2) Sue Gaston continued as the Executive HT. Jane Barnes returned to Longtown Primary school on a part time basis in the latter part of the Autumn term before she was appointed as Headteacher for three days a week on 17th April.

3) The Governors agreed that Kym Wilcocks and Jeanette Pryce were the school’s representatives on the working party discussing and formalising a MAT ( Multi Academy Trust) with Fairfield High and two other schools. After many meetings, a presentation and a lot of form filling and gathering information required by the DfE for the formation of a MAT the Governors at Fairfield High decided on 28th February to officially end the process. An explanatory letter to all parents/carers was sent out following this decision. The SLA was therefore terminated between both schools. Kym, Jeanette and Jane have continued exploring other MATs in the county.

4) Kym Wilcocks, Chair of Governors (once more!) and Jeanette Pryce were interviewed by one of the OFSTED Inspectors on 11th April 2024  - it went very well.

5) Governor visits and reports of these took place throughout the year looking at Science, History, R.E. and Multicultural and Behaviour. These reports are shared with staff and are included in the annual Governors Action Plan which is closely linked to the SDP (School Development Plan).

6) Chair of Governors regularly visited the school to check on safeguarding, health and safety and the central record as well as having meetings with either Sue Gaston and/or Jane Barnes.

7) Several governors carried out voluntary work hearing readers and running after school clubs.

8) A range of policies were reviewed and agreed.

9) Sharon Williams left the governing body and were thank her for her contribution especially when she was Chair of Governors in 2022/23. The governing body welcomed the return of Mike Fawcett as governor in July 2024

All school governing bodies are made up of volunteers who bring a range of skills to the role. I would personally like to thank all the Governors at Longtown Community Primary School for their work and dedication over this and many previous years. On behalf of our school I want to record our thanks to Sue Gaston who for the past nine years has given so much support to all of us at Longtown in her role as Executive HT. Sue brought so much wide ranging experience to our school and the working relationship with Fairfield High was advantageous to all staff, governors and children. Thank you, Sue.

And finally my thanks go to all of you for your support of this wonderful school recognised by OFSTED as GOOD and so much more.

Kym Wilcocks, Chair of Governors

The Current Governing Body Comprises:


Vicki Stinchcombe – Acting Chair of Governors Jan 2025

Vicki began her career in a large primary school in Bristol, where as a class 5/6 teacher she had responsibility for literacy and PE. She became a Deputy Head, where her expertise was in behaviour management, emotional intelligence and literacy, and then moved on to take up a research position at the University of Bristol. As part of this she completed a Master’s in Education that focused on the transition between KS2 and 3. More recently she has been working as an educational consultant for Creative Partnerships, working with schools in the Midlands to develop creative approaches to learning and the curriculum. Passionate about improving children's educational experiences she was also a visiting lecturer for UWE, working alongside and mentoring student teachers. She moved to the area in 2013 and is currently supporting the development of the School’s Council. She has two granddaughters at Longtown School.

Ron Brierly - Co-opted Governor - 4 year term - Chair of Business Committee

Ron was brought up in Devon.  At the age of 18 he joined Cable & Wireless and worked for them for 30 years in the Caribbean, Middle East and Far East.  During his working career Ron rose up through the ranks from Engineer to Senior Management where he had responsibility for managing large teams of staff and multi-million pound budgets.  He has a Higher National Diploma in Telecommunication Engineering and a 1st Class Honours degree in Maths.  In 2013 Ron retired to Longtown and became a governor in 2016.  He enjoys the outdoors life that the area offers and is a keen walker.


Pearl Pritchard - Parent Governor - 4 year term - Business Committee

My working background is in business and accountancy and I am a working Mum and farmer's wife. I was born in the area, attended Longtown Primary School as a child and have lived locally all my life. As my children now attend the school, I still have a strong connection to it. My aim is to provide balanced and objective input to the governing body. I am pleased to have this opportunity to help and support the governing body to provide the highest standards of education and opportunities for the children to enjoy and benefit from their time at school.

Jeanette Pryce - Parent Governor - 4 year term - Education Committee

From east Herefordshire, I moved to Longtown in 2014. I now have two boys at Longtown School. Prior to its change in governance I was very involved with Longtown Pre-School and was Chair of the charity responsible for its running. I’ve continue to be involved in the school’s PTA and also run an after school Art Club.

I work locally as the Design & Style Librarian for a London based design house. This represents a change in career after having our boys - previously I worked in town planning as a Planner and Planning Enforcement Officer. After gaining a degree in Geography from the University of Birmingham, I travelled extensively for a number of years before returning to Herefordshire broke, not leaving again as planned but eventually migrating west to the hills! I enjoy running with other local mums, especially on those hills, travel and plenty of adventure!

Jane Barnes - Headteacher Governor - Education/Business Committees

Jackie Reynolds - Staff Governor - 4 year term - Education Committee

Jackie was brought up in Greater Manchester before moving to the Midlands to study Politics at the University of Warwick. She started her career in commercial consumer research working for Bulmers, Golden Wonder and finally Kraft Foods on marketing and brand development for well-known drinks and snacking brands both in the UK and internationally. In 2012, she embarked on a career change to fulfil a long-held desire to become a teacher and undertook a PGCS at the University of Worcester. She worked locally at several primary schools across the whole of Key Stage 2 before joining Longtown teaching staff in 2014. In her current role, Jackie is the class teacher for Year 5/6 and also the Literacy Coordinator across the school which enabled her to follow her passion for reading and encourage and support a reading for pleasure culture. Jackie lives in Hereford with her husband and secondary-aged son. She enjoys playing netball in the local league , mountain biking and is an inspiring (although often struggling!) runner, taking part in the Park Run 5km most weekends.

Mike Fawcett

Mike Fawcett is an experienced teacher and outdoor education adviser who lives in Longtown and is married to Diane who teaches at the school.  They have 3 sons who have all been pupils at Longtown Primary School.  His former roles have included being Head of Longtown Outdoor Education Centre, Deputy Head Teacher at Cross Ash Primary School, Senior Lecturer at Pershore Group of Colleges and Deputy Weapon Engineer Officer of HMS Argyll.

As an outdoor education adviser Mike advises schools on health and safety on all forms of educational visits and learning outside the classroom.  He is passionate about all forms of outdoor learning and combines his advisory work with freelance outdoor instructing and voluntary roles with Longtown Mountain Rescue Team and the Abbey Dore Deanery ‘Grow Strong’ youth project.

In terms of governance experience, he is currently chair of the Midlands region of the national panel of Outdoor Education Advisers and a member of the national board.  He is also a trustee of Longtown Outdoor Learning Trust and has previously been a staff governor at Pershore Group of Colleges and Cross Ash PS.  He was a parent governor at Longtown PS from 2005 -2009.

The Governing Body

The Governing Body holds full governing body meetings each term. In addition, it has two committees which also meet termly. The Education Committee has responsibility for Curriculum & Standards, Safeguarding, SEND, Specific Groups and Community. The Business Committee has responsibility for Finance, Premises, Health and Safety, Personnel, GDPR and Equalities.


Date of Appointment(s)

Term of Office

Date of Resignation

Attendance in 2023-2024Academic Year





Full Governing Body 

Eligible  Committee

Vicki Stinchcombe




4 years


 3 of 7

 3 of 3

Ron Brierly




4 years


 7 of 7

 3 of 3

Sharon Williams




4 years


 7 of 7

 3 of 3

2 of 3

Jeanette Pryce



4 years


 4 of 5

2 of 2





4 years


 5 of 7

 3 of 3

Mike Fawcett


4 years




Mary Boustead

Left post





 7 of 7

 3 of 3

3 of 3

Jackie Reynolds


4 years


 3 of 3

 6 of 7

3 of 3

Jane Barnes






Emma Stafford


4 years


 6 of 7

 2 of 3

Register of Interests

The following information indicates any relevant business interest of governors and details of any other educational establishments they govern.

List of Governors who have resigned in the last 12 months

Kym Wilcocks

Emma Stafford