Longtown Community Primary School

Longtown Community Primary School



 Class 4

Welcome to Class 4 at Longtown Primary School!

Class 4 is a mixed Year 5 and 6 Class.  Our topics this year are:


History / Geography

Autumn 1

The Heart and Circulation

World War II

Autumn 2


Map Skills

Spring 1

Properties of Materials

Ancient Greece

Spring 2

Evolution and Inheritance


Summer 1

Humans: Ageing and Lifestyle

Leisure and Entertainment in 20th Century

Summer 2

Lifecycles and Reproduction

Coasts (including residential trip)

Please see the curriculum maps on the website for more information about the subjects we will be covering each half-term in English, maths, science  and foundation subjects.

In Year 6, children are assessed in line with statutory assessment tests (SATs).  These takes place in May in the summer term. An information evening for parents is held in the Spring term. 


Class Information

P.E. is every Thursday and Friday. Please could children ensure they keep their kit to school and have sufficient warm clothing for outdoor P.E. sessions as the Autumn progresses.

Forest School is alternate Mondays in Autumn first half-term and Summer term. Please could children bring suitable outdoor clothes and wellies to change into at school.


Home Learning

  • Homework consists of  weekly spellings, reading and times table practice / KIRFs.
  • Spellings will be given for each half-term. Children will learn about the spelling rule in lessons each week and be tested on Fridays.
  • We expect children to read regularly at home during the week (at least four times per week). This could be with an adult or by themselves. Regular reading is important in developing children’s fluency, vocabulary, comprehension skills and understanding of the wider world. Children have a reading diary in which to log the reading they do at home and in school.
  • We would appreciate your support in helping children become fluent in their times table facts. ‘Little and often’ practice is really helpful and a few minutes a day at home can really make a difference.


If you would like to discuss anything with us, please do not hesitate to ring or drop in after school for a chat