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Class 1 - Reception
Reception Autumn Term
Early Years
The Early years consists of three prime areas communication and language, physical development and personal, social and emotional development. The three prime areas are strengthened by four specific areas of learning: literacy, mathematics, understanding of the world, and expressive arts and design.
As well as planning exciting activities through topic, we will be closely observing the children whilst playing, and plan activities around their interests. This will ensure that we specifically shape the learning experiences for all children, allowing them to explore their characteristics of learning. This element represents the process of thinking behind children's learning, how they develop their own ideas, and how they create strategies to test these ideas, which will help them when transitioning into KS1.
Our topics this year are:
Autumn Term 1 |
All about me |
Autumn Term 2 |
Terrific Tales |
Spring 1 |
Superheroes |
Spring 2 |
In the Garden |
Summer Term 1 |
Amazing Astronauts |
Summer Term 2 |
By the Seaside |
Phonics and Reading
At Longtown, we follow Read Write Inc phonics scheme. We use this scheme to teach children the sounds in English, the letters that represent them, and how to form the letters when writing. Read Write Inc. Phonics includes reading books written using only the letters they have learnt at each level (and a small number of separately taught tricky words). The children will quickly feel confident and successful readers.
Click on the following link https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/ which will take you to 'Read Write Inc: Phonics guide for parents' page. Here you will find more information about the scheme we use and useful resources including e-books to help your children at home.
Reading at home is as important as reading at school. We will hear the children read every day, but with your help, your children will become fluent, happy readers. Reading with your children at home improves their progress and development. Therefore, we would like you to read with your child each day if possible. Please can you write a comment in your child’s reading records to show that you have heard your child read.
Top tips for reading with your child:
1. Make time to read- even ten minutes a day. Your child does not need to read the whole book!
2. Find somewhere quiet without any distractions - turn off the TV/radio/computer.
3. Talk about the book- asking your child questions.
4. Take it in turns to read a page.
5. Read e-books as well as school books.
6. Make CVC words cards or games to play with your child. Here is a fun online game to play with your child: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/phonics/balloon-phonics-cvc-game
We follow White Rose Mathematics. Here is the breakdown of the Mathematics we will be covering throughout the year:
Week 1 & 2 |
Week 3 & 4 |
Week 5 & 6 |
Week 7 |
Autumn 1 |
Getting to know your child. Baseline Assessments | Match, sort & compare objects | It's me 123 |
1 2 3 4 5
Autumn 2 |
Circles & Triangle Shapes with 4 sides |
Alive in 5 | Mass & Capacity |
Consolidation of number. Autumn assessments |
Spring 1 |
Growing 6 & 7 | Length, Height and Time | Building 9 & 10 |
Building 9 & 10
Spring 2 |
Exploring 3D shapes | To 20 and beyond | To 20 and beyond |
Consolidation of number. Assessments |
Summer 1 |
How many now? | Manipulate Compose and Decompose | Sharing and grouping | Consolidation of learning so far. |
Summer 2 |
Visualise, build and map | Make connections | Consolidation of learning so far. |
Assessments Transition into KS1 |
Click on the following link to help your children at home https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?Subject=16&AgeGroup1
We are partners...
We greatly value our relationships with our parents and recognise that our children benefit when we work together as partners to ensure that they have the best start to their early years education. We arrange regular meetings throughout the year with parents to discuss their child’s needs and next steps to learning.
We use Tapestry to upload photos of your child on a weekly basis. We will also send out memos on Tapestry to communicate what we will be do the following week. This is a great opportunity for you to get involved with your child's learning at home. Remember to fill out the 'About me' page with your child so that we can get to know your child even more.
The ‘Home School Agreement’ is a commitment from both parents and the school, to ensure that every child is valued as an individual and encouraged to develop to their full potential.
We welcome the views of parents and love to hear about the things we are doing well and also anything that parents think that we could do better. We also welcome parents, grandparents and carers in to hear readers, or help out with improving and maintaining our outdoor classroom.
Transition into KS1
Mrs Fawcett and Mrs Jefferies understand how important it is to make sure the reception children have an easy transition into KS1. It is a process not an event, so regular communication takes place between the teachers throughout the year. Both teachers have taught in Reception and KS1 and therefore, understand where the children have come from and where they need to go next in their education.
This is what Mrs Fawcett and Mrs Jefferies do to prepare the children when transitioning into Class 2:
- The reception children attend assemblies and eat in the dinner hall with the rest of the school. They also take breaks on the school playground with the rest of the school.
- Both classes use the same visual timetable so that the children are familiar with their daily routines
- Throughout the year, topic days and trips will take place with Class 2
- In the Summer Term, transition days and play sessions will take place in Class 2
- A thorough handover will take place with both teachers, sharing important data and the individual needs of the children
- In the Summer Term, parents will be invited in to see the new classroom and meet Mrs Jefferies, where she will outline KS1 expectations and answer any questions the parents may have.
- During the Autumn term, Mrs Jefferies will continue to teach using provisions allowing an easy transition into a more formal way of teaching.
SEND children:
- Mrs Fawcett will identify pupils during the Summer Term who may be vulnerable during the transition
- Mrs Jefferies will be invited to SEND review meetings for her new cohort in Summer Term
- Raising Attainment Plans and Individual Education Plans will be shared with Mrs Jefferies.
- Mrs Fawcett will ensure successful strategies for vulnerable children are shared with Mrs Jefferies
- There will be a number of visits to Class 2 during the Summer Term accompanied by a member of staff from the Early Years Hub who the children are familiar with
- Mrs Jefferies will Ensure that the Early Learning Goals are addressed and mastered before the children move on to the Primary curriculum.
Learning is fun...